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  1. Ok...I know there's another few days left!

    I have been in my new studio for around 6 months now, and it is also coming up to the 4th anniversary of being part of FaMAS! So many changes have happened in the last year- lots of different creatives joining, new studios built, connections forged...

    In 2024 I have an overall goal to expand the jewellery side of my business. I have a couple of regional stockists and it is going pretty well at those. Sadly I have also 'lost' a couple of decent stockists through change of business model/closures. Independent makers will never be able to compete with mass-produced products.

    It is quite daunting to approach businesses about stocking selling your work, and tricky when you can't afford to attend trade shows. I am trying to keep a balance with my day job(s) - as a freelancer I think you always have to have an eye out for new opportunities, however this year I didn't take enough time out for creating art, and the rest of the process for getting it to the end customer...always a gamble when you have the chance to earn guaranteed income over 'maybe I'll make some sales!'.

    I've also got round to setting up a newsletter and hope to send this out every 6 weeks or so, just with general news and info about upcoming workshops, our Open Studios and other events. Subscribe in the footer of the page to be added to the mailing list.

    Here are a few pictures of jewellery making with anodised aluminium- dapping, bashing and filing! (Weren't they reindeer names..?)

    Best wishes for 2024!IMG_20231221_131433IMG_20231218_122031IMG_20231218_154308

  2. Due to a busy diary in November and December, I won't be trading in person as much as planned. I have only one date left in Todmorden on 2nd December. Therefore, I will be uploading more jewellery to my online shop for purchase. I appreciate that most people prefer to buy 'in person', and I actually prefer that way (I think because I previously worked in 'in-person' jewellery retail, I like the interaction with my customers). 

    My work is also stocked at Eden Gallery, Newburgh and I will have some pieces in Create Bolton for the festive seson.
